搜索 迈克尔·埃尔文

  • Tom, a married man with kids, is struggling at work when a client tries to seduce him with promises of a 'more exciting life'. On his way home one night he gets attacked by a gang of hoodies and falls into a parallel world where he lives 5 other lives including a Rock-Star, a Homeless person and the 'hoody' that attack…
  • 福尔摩斯因为过度的寂寞,全日打针可卡因,他的密友华生医生剧烈否决他如许摧残本人的身段。一天,福尔摩斯接到一封神秘的请帖,邀他往观看苏联芭蕾舞。芭蕾舞演员彼得洛娃,停整理和福尔摩斯结合,因为她想要个孩子,还停整理孩子父亲的智能与她的资丽能造就个好孩子。福尔摩斯婉言回尽。几天后,福尔摩斯收到一件希罕的包裹,内部是在一个被人…