搜索 马丁·汉考克

  • Tom, a married man with kids, is struggling at work when a client tries to seduce him with promises of a 'more exciting life'. On his way home one night he gets attacked by a gang of hoodies and falls into a parallel world where he lives 5 other lives including a Rock-Star, a Homeless person and the 'hoody' that attack…
  • 汉尼拔(加斯帕德·尤利尔)的童年之初布满明媚与温馨,心爱的妹妹就像他的小尾巴,是他最爱的亲人。然而战争带走了一切,他的父亲、母亲还有他的故里。可是这仅仅是噩梦的开端,真实的毁了他生平的是妹妹的死——残忍的德军,吃了他的妹妹。  妹妹的死成了汉尼拔永远的梦魇,妹妹的脸庞和声 音时常在他的梦里出现。汉尼拔决定往寻觅他最初的…