搜索 Berwick

  • 裘德(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯整理 Christopher Eccleston饰)在农村长大,一心要用常识改变命运,考取大学成为了他的奋斗方针。可是,年少的愿看却让他与当地一个姑娘产生了关系,大学梦也随之破碎。  不久姑娘远走澳洲,寻觅更夸姣的生存。剩下裘德和他的胡想,继续在这里萌芽发展。裘德为了能考上大学,专门搬到大学城附近苦苦寻求机遇。同时…
  • 老王(任达华 饰)、雪玲(郑裕玲 饰)、龙哥(梁家仁 饰)和达叔(吴孟达 饰)等人均是缉毒差人,他们并肩作战,安危与共,彼此之间结下了深厚的友谊。某日,他们端掉了一个毒窝,却让毒贩头子给逃脱了,今后,毒贩头子杀了龙哥,其他人发誓要找到毒贩头子,给龙哥报仇。  某日,阿友(张学友 饰)不测发了然达叔和毒贩与世浮沉,并拍下了录…
  • 1974年的英国约克郡,时刻笼罩在一片氤氲雾气傍边,空气中充斥着忧闷和不祥的气味,接连数起儿童绑架案件让约克的空气更加压制起来。年轻气盛的记者埃迪·丹福德(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)对此极为关注,积极展开查询拜访,甚至无暇顾及业已病危的父亲。然而跟着查询拜访的深进,他却发明这些并非简略的绑架案,计划官场的黑幕逐…
  • When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall drastically...to avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss
  • The monster, which looks like a nastier version of The Creature from the Black Lagoon, invades a sleepy lighthouse town. The superstitious lighthouse keeper is worried for the safety of his beautiful teenage daughter, so he leaves food for the monster, who dwells in a nearby cave. When bodies wash up ashore, the locals…
  • 1974年的英国约克郡,时刻笼罩在一片氤氲雾气傍边,空气中充斥着忧闷和不祥的气味,接连数起儿童绑架案件让约克的空气更加压制起来。年轻气盛的记者埃迪·丹福德(安德鲁·加菲尔德AndrewGarfield饰)对此极为关注,积极展开查询拜访,甚至无暇顾及业已病危的父亲。然而跟着查询拜访的深进,他却发明这些并非简略的绑架案,计划官场的黑幕逐步浮…
  • When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall drastically...to avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss