搜索 Charlotte

  • 奥利维·耶阿布([边境恶警])将打造斩新影片[暴怒](Furie,暂译)。该片由保罗·艾米([鸟类学家])、阿达玛·尼安([ Le Gang des Antillais])以及斯特芬·凯亚尔([巴黎危急])等出演。Aurélien Molas编剧。影片按照真实事务改编,报告保罗和Chloé Diallo(阿达玛·尼安、斯特芬·凯亚尔饰)行将外出度假时,他们将本人的屋子租给了赐顾帮衬儿子的保…
  • 典雅舒适的小剧院里,一出差强人意的舞台剧正在表演,忽然有名观众挺身站起,打中断了表演的举行。他自称名叫亚尼克,是一位停车场治理员,下班后船车劳整理赶来看戏,表演内收留却让他掉看透顶。世人将他驱离剧院,过没多久他却又忽然出现,取出手枪跳上舞台……今晚,亚尼克才是真实的主角!
  • A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida.
  • 奥麦莉是一位高等水兵军官,同时也是一位带着两个孩子的独身母亲,她和高等将领同时也是战役英豪的尼尔森建立了恋爱关系,但不久她发明尼尔森已经成婚了,并很快隔离了他们之间的关系,就在奥麦莉试图从新开端本人生存时,一天夜晚,她被一个持枪进侵者从睡梦中惊醒,经由搏斗,她开枪打死了那小我。  法庭剖中断她是误杀,但罪犯倒是尼尔森,…
  • In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who carries the weight of a previous relationship gone wrong. Yet, a chance encounter with Richard seems to allow him the chanc…
  • Alex is a shy accountant living in London. He is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist named Penelope, he pretends to be a talented artist himself; and now he needs to win a Modern Art contest to prove it.
  • Julien Duvivier最好的作品之一也是他以为本人所有默片中最喜好的一部。  Summary  Bullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be.  An illegitimate child, he is t…
  • 故事产生在毂击肩摩的富贵大都会伦敦,在事业上很是成功的女记者耶尔玛(比莉·派佩 Billie Piper 饰)和丈夫约翰(布伦丹·考威尔 Brendan Cowell 饰)过着看似侥幸完竣的生存,然而,这场婚配在安静的概况之下早已经千疮百孔了。耶尔玛很是想要一个孩子,可是,约翰没法令她怀孕,这是她疾苦的根源,两人之间因为孩子的问题,不竭的产生辩说和…
  • 1901年,在战争到临前,威廉·莫克尔拥有着完竣的家庭, 他的妃耦刚刚怀孕,他以为可以过上安静生存的时辰,战争爆发了 他的妃耦和儿子在英国侵犯战争时代在集中营被谋杀。作为一位战俘,他的心里燃起布尔人的火焰,决定组建布尔人的橄榄球队并打败高傲的英国人。