搜索 Gerd

  • CIA捕快Palmer与Gagano受命摧毁名为“苏联”的电脑病毒。两人通过VR进进设备,但却发明此次的任务是一个陷阱。
  • 优里的祖怙恃,怙恃全都是超等肥胖人士,优里也天经地义成了“胖子”。是以在将近十年间,除了老仆海因奇,和海因奇标致的孙女苏珊娜,以及老园丁威汉姆之外,他打仗过的人少之又少。苏珊娜和优里从小了解,但出于自信,优里从未察觉苏珊娜对他的感觉早已超出了友情。直到一天他发明本人已经花光了遗产,并欠了仇人保罗一大笔钱。为了保住家传的…
  • 1953年秋天,艾玛在父亲死后毕竟分开严重的母亲,来到一个小村子当小学教员。他与当地人相处很好并和音乐教员坠进情网。山村产生雪崩,沉没了音乐教员和很多村平易近,艾玛决定留下来,守候他们的恋爱结晶。
  • 四个女人分袂嫁给了四兄弟。一个夏天在期待丈夫回家休假的进程傍边,四人分袂陈说了各自的婚配状况。一个因本人不安于室引致与丈夫争持,一个在巴黎与一个艺术家相恋并有了孩子但却回尽成婚,一个报告了夫妻俩被困电梯的故事,最初一个则要与恋人男朋友私奔。  伯格曼用室内剧的模式将女人们心里的奥秘一一露出出来,然而影片也夸大这并不可减…
  • On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, and he's everything Sune wants to be. Not only that, but his name is also Sune - it's the worst possible start to the fourth grade.
  • 动作片动作
    In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
  • 《小医生》是按照迪特里希·格吕纳麦耶传授(Dietrich Gr?nemeyer)的同名儿童读物改编,报告了小医生的探险之旅。纳诺姐弟自幼掉怙恃,是爷爷奶奶带他们长大。爷爷山迪是园艺工人,在斯诺特传授测验测验室事情。斯诺特传授应用剽窃的缩微手艺,可以将机械人缩小到纳米级别,植进人体后可以掌握人类大脑。他借为山迪治疗腰伤机遇,将机械人植…
  • In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern psychological thriller.
  • 故事产生在1917年,威尔(麦肯齐·阿斯丁 Mackenzie Astin 饰)过着和父亲杰克(约翰·泰瑞 John Terry 饰)相依为命的生存,不幸的是,不测产生了,杰克掉了性命,留下孑然一身的威尔,他不单要想方设法本人赐顾帮衬本人,还要设法主意子照看父亲位于南达科他州的农场,他最必要也最窘蹙的,就是钱。  为了获利,威尔决定往温尼伯加进奖金…
  • Hampus and Adrian's relationship has gone down increasingly destructive paths and during one fateful discussion it all ends. Hampus and Adrian are no more, but in some way they have to go on living. A healing process divided into stages of desperate attempts to reunite as well as rebounds, which sometimes push them fur…