搜索 Huhtala

  • 小驯鹿尼科信任他的父亲是圣诞白叟飞翔团队的一员,他时常梦想本人像父亲那样奔腾漫空,往来交往自由,可是他的测验测验屡次掉败,照旧以遭到伙伴们的奚落。为了实现飞翔的胡想,尼科偷偷潜往野狼出没的鹿角山演习,却把黑狼团伙引到鹿群居住的山谷。尼科备受冲击,单独分开迁徙的部队往寻觅圣诞白叟的家。与此同时,黑狼狡计吃掉圣诞白叟和飞翔…
  • 跨足全球的VALA企業透過威脅利誘勾結腐敗貪婪的当局單位,成功在市道上釋出一種未經測試的疫苗「Nh25」。為了維持家計的傑卡拉摩(克里斯多福古莫瑞斯 飾)原本為邪惡的VALA企業賣命,卻因緣際會成為背負任务決心復仇的「闇夜殺神」,誓辞終結草菅人命的斂財疫苗繼續散播,引來VALA召集一群唯利是圖的傭兵死命追殺…事实一心被仇恨蒙蔽的「闇夜…
  • Seventeen year old Miku is “just some dude” devoid of personality, at least according to his brother. After a party-turned-rager that destroys his home, Miku is doomed to spend the rest of the summer at their family cottage, where both his parents avoid dealing with their own budding relationship crisi…
  • The Rendel movie will be a story of a man blinded by his desire for a revenge and hatred. Even though Rendel can be considered as a super hero, he is somewhat darker than the traditional representatives of the genre. The movie will take place in the fictionalized version of a Finnish city, Mikkeli.