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  • 西班牙内战题材,磅礡哥德式风格重现二次大战纳粹风。本片改编西班牙畅销同名小说!逆境重生,过目不忘再现天才西洋棋手──迪亚哥,在逆境中不畏强权挑战各路棋手,在艰险的环境中逆转人生一步棋。本片改自西班牙畅销同名小说!1934年,迪亚哥帕迪拉赢得西班牙西洋棋赛的冠军宝座,并与一名名叫玛丽安娜拉图尔的法国记者相遇,两人随即坠入爱河…
  • A bar in the middle of nowhere. A girl facing her demons. Her twin brother. An incestuous relationship. A mother they never met. A violent, alcoholic father. The nomads' periodic visitations
  • In order to get out of a financial crisis, high school teacher Balz Naef (53) starts recruiting and training streakers for illegal sports betting. While he and his team help streaking become the new trend sport, his situation does not improve. On the contrary: his troubles have only just begun.
  • In a post-apocalyptic era, somewhere in the desert highlands, the protagonists, a young couple played by Peter Lanzani and Juana Burga, live in a refugee camp during the Water War. Upon learning of the young woman's pregnancy, they decide to escape to the sea in search of a better future for their son. For this they be…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> Batavia City, a beautiful city that no longer safely inhabited. Robbery, violence, and a variety of increasingly rampant criminality. In the midst of this chaotic city, Srimaya, a cafe waitress who dreams of …
  • The story of a man whose wife has committed suicide and appears to him as a ghost, following him everywhere and changing his personality. Unfinished in 1967 and restored for a 2020 premiere.
  • 本片是菲律宾影史上最昂贵电影。这又是一场正义与邪恶的对决,场面宏大,运用大量特技手法。众多菲律宾当红明星鼎立加盟为本片增色不少。被誉为“亚洲版变形金刚”。
  • 葡萄牙名導Tiago Guedes第五部劇情長片以一幕美麗懾人的場景作為開場,靜謐的鄉村小鎮卻發生一連串慘案,永遠改變了Joao Fernandez的一生。20年後,葡萄牙受右翼的第二共和國政權統治,這時的Joao已是名富有的地主,並成為家族裡最具主見的領導人。由Joao帶領的家族勢力在接下來的40餘年,都將在葡萄牙歷史中佔有重要地位,不僅與動盪不定的政治…
  • 萨拉·哈里曼(朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰)的父亲乔丹(斯蒂芬•瑞 Stephen Rea 饰)在南美某国家经营一家大型造纸厂,某天她带着身为绘本画家的丈夫保罗(斯科特·斯比德曼 Scott Speedman 饰)以及乖巧可爱的女儿汉娜(Pixie Davies 饰)来到圣达克拉拉度假,当然与此同时也要接任纸厂经理的职务。乔丹热情地接待了女儿一家,并把他们…
  • 在交友軟體盛行的都市生活中,一處公寓的監視錄像,正記錄著房客們各自不可告人的小秘密。有人擔心另一半外遇卻言行不一,有人背著另一半偷腥卻有苦難言;有人中了花言巧語而渾然不知,有人習慣為非作歹而心存僥倖。關係錯綜複雜的現代公寓,醜聞即將引爆他們的生活。