搜索 Marco

  • 影片为玄色喜剧,男主为了向前妻证实本人的勇敢竟贸然抢劫了银行。差人开端查询拜访犯法案件却漏掉了这个看上往很是斯文又正派的幕后黑手。一场诙谐又紧张的猫鼠游戏正在表演。
  • 一场没法解释的事务将世界带进了杂乱,作为世界人口的一部分,他们可能被一场希罕的疫情所传染。这些被传染的人似乎是被一种痴迷于掌握杂乱的愿看所使令,他们必要品尝血液。两个幸存者;大卫(Ronan Quarmby)和一个名叫卡梅伦(Ronan Quarmby)的青少年,在寻觅他们掉的亲人时,形成了一种接洽,但这个年轻人有一个关于爆发的奥秘,一切都不像看…
  • Robin and Jenna are getting married. Robin is excited beyond words; Jenna is plagued by panic attacks and struggles to write her vows. But when they arrive at their secluded fairy-tale venue, sinister forces besiege them, threatening to tear them apart.
  • 大陆综艺职场
    芳华少女玛丽(Cécile De France 饰)和爱莉西娅(Ma?wenn Le Besco 饰)是同在法国巴黎一所大学就读的好同伙。某个周末,两人驱车前往爱莉西娅家位于乡下的农场度假。适值深夜,万籁俱寂,玛丽寂寞难耐正在自我宣泄之时,一个不速之客忽然闯进。他残忍殛毙了爱莉西娅的怙恃和年幼的弟弟,并将其掳往。为了救援密友,玛丽静静钻进凶手的卡车。…
  • 八年来,顽强的男孩赫苏斯一向呆在地下的军事基地里度日,自从启迪录战争爆发后就再也没有回到空中,与赫苏斯困在一起的还有其他八个精英队员,领导人玛丽亚和她的恋人巴勃罗;同性恋卢卡斯和助手;天文学家马格达莱纳和少女安娜;士兵佩德罗和寂寞的犹太人,他们负责守护这里的安然。陆地已经由核辐射所变异的丧尸大军占领,他们不单要时刻预备为…
  • 2015年最新MotoGP记载片,  本片由Brad Pitt(布拉德-皮特)担当制片人,带你跟随  46号 ROSSI 罗西、  93号 Marquez 马奎斯、  99号 LORENZO 洛伦佐、  26号 Pedrosa 丹尼佩德罗萨、  58号 Simoncelli 马可西蒙切利、  27号 Casey Stoner 凯西斯通纳,  这6位世界上最快的车手,深进MotoGP角逐剧烈的角逐傍边,  让…
  • 《倾听者》的故事围绕着Toby Logan(Craig Olejnik扮演),一个25岁的救护人员,他却有个天大的奥秘--他是个通灵者。一向里来,Toby潜躲起他的才能,只与他的老同伙亦是导师 --Ray Mercer医生--对其略作摸索。在他跟本人活力充分的救护同伴“Oz”Bey(Ennis Esmer扮演)值班事情的进程傍边,“The Listener”的镜头紧跟着Toby全力…
  • The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-life punk ass bitch Estrada, the cinematic half-hour comedy explores Julio's attempts to better his community, overcome his…
  • An ancient Chippewa demon, the WINDIGO, is resurrected by a Native American teenager and his grandmother to protect their family after a run-in with back-woods meth dealers. They soon discover that the creature's lust for killing cannot be controlled. As each killing bonds the teen and the Windigo ever closer, the fami…
  • Maya (Lustre) is a girl who has always held a pessimistic view of the rain, reminding her of failed love and other depressing things. Will the rain ever stop her in her journey to overcome past heartaches?