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  • 寻找下一个嘻哈说唱巨星,Netflix的新嘻哈选秀综艺《Rhythm+Flow》。豪华阵容CardiB,ChancetheRapper,T.I.任评委,称是全美“第一档正式的嘻哈真人竞赛节目”。10月9日开播,此后每周三周播。制作人有JohnLegend,JesseCollins,JeffGaspin和三名评委等人。选拔参赛者的城市包括评委们的家乡亚特兰大,芝加哥和纽约,每个城市都有一…
  • based on André Carl van der Merwe’s book, Moffie (a derogatory Afrikaans term for a gay man) follows the story of Nicholas van der Swart: from a very young age, he realises he is different. Try as he may, he cannot live up to the macho ima…
  • The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down Duchamp's ideas and applies them to both historical events and the modernist explosion that blanketed the early 20th century. Art of the Possible isn't simply a biopic; ra…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Two paranormal investigators are called upon by a distressed family that claims they are being tormented by an evil spirit known in their local town as The Candy Witch.yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  However, as the mystery of her curse is uncovered, surprisin…
  • 现在是2003年,国际武器核查员泰德·凯勒(马修·吉利亚姆)在美国入侵伊始就在伊拉克工作。在调查一个未被发现的武器藏匿处时,他发现了一个可疑来源的生物制剂,他很快意识到这种生物制剂已经危及他的生命。撞倒在地,他危险的轨迹与美丽的国会援助伊莲娜·波佩斯库(拉维尼娅·波波拉切)相撞,后者发现自己被自己的危险包围着。他们联合起来…
  • Daylight Fades is a movie starring Matthew Stiller, Rachel Miles, and Allen C. Gardner. What do you do when you can save the life of the man you love by giving him eternal life? Desperate for a second chance, Elizabeth makes the unthinkable choice in this thoroughly engaging horror thriller. A FilmBuff Presentation.
  • 先有爱情,然后是承诺,再然后才是面对面的相处。这是一次寻找灵魂伴侣的盲选。
  • B级片传奇演员黛比被夺走了男友,同时她也失去了新电影的角色,于是黛比开始了疯狂的复仇计划...
  • Hollywood Game Night is an American television series currently airing on NBC. It is set to premiere on July 11, 2013. The series follows two contestants who take part in a casual game night with celebrities. One of the two contestants will walk home with a cash prize. It is hosted by Jane Lynch.
  • Copper Jack Stone purposefully orchestrates a bank robbery in order to be thrown into prison with the notorious Russian kingpin Balam. Balam is more than just a mob criminal; he's a very cunning and dangerous lord who controls the police force from behind bars. Balam lives in prison as a cover for his real power, which…