搜索 Olivia

  • 报告亚瑟王在竣事与罗马帝国的战争、返回故里后,发明王位被本人的侄子窃取,为了夺回王位,他被迫向巫师梅林和圣杯骑士团寻求援助。
  • 本片故事事發生在一個荒僻罕有無奇、生存平平的小鎮,當一位由英國來的『交換老師』 Anna來到鎮上的學校時,她面對這群對未來不存停整理的學生們,她決定用一些体式格式來開啟他們的心靈,最後她選擇了足球運動來提起學生們的興趣,甚至她還找了這個小鎮上的警長 Tom Palmer 來擔任這群小同伙的教練,他過往曾經是鎮上的足球明星。Anna甚至…
  • 一位母亲和三个女儿,以往在父亲性虐下生活。这过往的创伤驱使了他们如今充满血腥和复仇的生活。她们一家四口经营着一家成名的煲仔咖喱饭餐馆。但黑夜一旦降临,餐馆生意就演变成对所有丑恶的男人执行血腥报复的烹饪馆。在这四个女人继续烹调“秘方”和勾引男人到她们的屠宰场之际,她们同时也面对着对手厨师(陈浩然)的拷问。除了得应付厨师派…
  • Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consisted of one black and white passport photo of the couple (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as proof of the marriage. Now, Chi…
  • 古怪阴郁又催泪治愈的黑色喜剧,围绕着抑郁症和自杀话题,讲述一个功能失调的家庭和一个住家日本插画师的故事,自杀未遂不敢袒露抑郁痛苦的男主人,得不到丈夫关爱于是与建筑工调情的女主人,他们的龙凤胎儿女,沉浸在无用发明里的软蛋儿子和不敢出柜的古怪女儿,同时爱上了同一个女孩,还有一个不知来历的日本插画师男孩,似乎与男主人有着同性…
  • 一个小镇受到玛莎的控制,玛莎是一个鬼魂,她回来缠着孩子们,当她还是小孩子的时候,孩子们目睹了她在墓地的鬼魂“游戏”中死去。
  • A young man is lured into a dangerous love triangle that begins to take a series of shocking and grisly supernatural turns. 
  • 恶名昭彰的连续杀人狂「兔子男」,在历经多场疯狂杀戮后回到了出生的家乡,正好遇上嗜血的家人在策划新的屠杀行动。他们邀请兔子男加入,却又在行动中利用了他的不堪过去,此举让兔子男的情绪疯狂失控,嗜血的野性再度爆发!当野兽失去理性,就算是家人也可能成为下一个目标。
  • The squirrel family is one of the most widespread on earth, so what is the secret to their success? There are squirrels that can glide through the air, outwit rattlesnakes and survive the coldest temperatures of any mammal. We uncover the extraordinary abilities of these cheeky characters, putting their problem solving…
  • When Jenna asks her four hot girlfriends to help convert an old mansion into a Halloween Haunt, they decide to party instead! Things get steamy between the girls, until they accidentally unleash the half-pint, horrible Killer Eye, a perverse party crasher from beyond. Bent on having his way, the Killer Eye will stop at…