搜索 Prosper

  • Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infects the other. A nearby base takes in the lone survivor whilst trying to understand what happened. The lone survivor may not be the person they think she is.
  • A young couple struggling to stay together, when they are offered an amazing deal on a home with a questionable past that would normally be beyond their means. In a final attempt to start fresh as a couple they take the deal.
  • 本片通过一个正值芳华期的女孩科莫娜(瑞秋·玛瓦赞 Rachel Mwanza饰)的视角,报告非洲内战的残暴与非洲大众对和平与人性的渴想。12岁,科莫娜的村子被起义军摧毁,她的怙恃也都被杀。科莫娜被当地发叛军绑架,被迫成为一位娃娃军。13岁,科莫娜不单被残忍的起义军批示官练习成一位杀野生具,更成为他的一位慰安妇。在整天的疾苦与惧怕中,科莫…
  • 该片以一个智商,财商超群的十岁男孩元宝为主角.设计了小财神元宝如何化解重重险境,用自己的能力帮助人们致富的情节,串联了古今中外众多财富小故事.弘扬了乐观,积极,善良的优良品质.在给观众带来欢乐的同时,较好地传达了正确的价值观.