搜索 Safavi

  • Masht Hassan在一个悠远和萧疏的村子里拥有唯一的母牛。他把母牛算作他本人的孩子。当他分开进来远方干事时,他的母牛死了。知道Masht Hassan和他的母牛之间的关系,那些村平易近急速措置尸身,并当在Masht Hassan回来时,他们告知他他的母牛逃脱了。Masht Hassan疯了,他开端在谷仓里度过他的全数时候,吃干草,并且慢慢地感觉本人就是母牛。 …
  • Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard car…