搜索 Turgay

  • 报告伊斯坦布尔的一个贫困老街区,有一位受人爱戴的家伙,迈赫·迈特,他经营着这个街区的废料仓库,同时,他也会援助身旁每一个必要援助的人,出格是无家可回的儿童,因为他就是其中一个。一天,迈赫·迈特偶遇一个8岁的男孩,出如今他最好伴侣冈萨雷斯的废纸袋里。此时他的心里有想和怙恃团圆的冲动,可是他没意想到已经对这个孩子产生了依恋…
  • At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her untamed behaviors. But everything changed after an unorthodox teacher stepped into their lives to educate Ela while healing himself.