搜索 加里·格兰特

  • While out riding in the country, wealthy New Yorker Alec Walker meets young widow Julie Eden, and a relationship quickly develops. However, Alec has not told her that he is already locked into a loveless marriage to the avaricious Maida, who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife. A completely coin…
  • When a newspaper man falls for a record store sales girl, their whirlwind courtship does not prepare him for a life of laughter, romance and tragedy. He must learn the value of true love, or face failure like he's never known. Academy Award Nominations Best Actor--Cary Grant.
  • 亨利(埃德蒙·戈温 Edmund Gwenn 饰)和女儿西尔维娅(凯瑟琳·赫本 Katharine Hepburn 饰)一起过着相依为命的日子。受生存所迫,亨利挪用了公款没法还债,东窗事发今后,他和女儿一起隐姓埋名踏上了流亡之旅,途中,为了潜躲身份,西尔维娅女扮男装,易名赛尔维斯特。  在流亡途中,亨利和西尔维娅结识了名为吉米(加里·格兰特 Cary…
  • 磨灭数月的王牌女记者希尔迪·约翰逊(罗莎琳德·拉塞尔 Rosalind Russell 饰)来到部下沃尔特·伯恩斯(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)办公室桌前,筹算告退往成婚。沃尔特当然不停整理如许的事情产生,而更紧张的是两人已经是生存在一起的夫妻。在沃尔特眼中, 希尔迪是最得力的记者同伴,而希尔迪却更多期待着安静的婚配生存。固然两人已经离…
  • Fun loving couple George and Marion Kerby, bank stockholders, are killed in a car accident. As ghosts they need to to a good deed to get into heaven. Their target, stuffy, hen-pecked bank president, Cosmo Topper. Their good deed, they decide, should be to help Topper add a little fun to his life. And the hilarity ensue…
  • 加里·格兰特在片中扮演一位画家,秀兰·邓波儿扮演一个纯粹的年轻姑娘,玛娜·洛伊扮演年轻姑娘的姐姐。年轻姑娘深情不渝的爱上了魅力四射的画家,但画家只想行使这类关系来接近小姑娘的姐姐。但这位生存不乱的女记者却出于傲慢和对其妹妹感情的两重挂念而回尽接收画家的爱。最初画家行使其过人的诙谐感把这原本很糟糕的形式化为了康乐的终局。
  • Women He's Undressed is a cinema length documentary that explores the life of Australia's most prolific costume designer. Until now Orry-Kelly has been unacknowledged in his country of birth and pretty well forgotten in the adopted country of his greatest success. During the boom years of Hollywood he was the costume d…
  • 《水上人家》是一部类似《音乐之声》家庭喜剧影戏。影片空气放松,节奏明快,情节搞笑。报告了一个带着孩子的独身汉子,和家人出格是子女窘蹙不异,而空降来一仁慈快乐,不按常理出牌的女子,毕竟俘虏了这整个一家。好莱坞传奇男星加里•格兰特和意大利性感女神索菲娅•罗兰携手出演。在影片中加里•格兰特和索菲亚•罗兰有恋人终成眷属,然而实…
  • 二战时代,美国人沃尔特(加里·格兰特)碰到了英国水兵上校弗兰克(特瑞沃·霍华德),被这位老同伙连骗带逼,最初困在了南海一座小岛上。代号“母鹅”的沃尔特必需天天窥察报道日军飞机动作,才能换来一瓶威士忌解渴。就在他停整理早日能分开之际,“突如其来”的性情强硬的法国女人凯瑟琳(莱斯利·卡伦)和七名列国交际官家的小女娃成了他甩…
  • 二战刚刚竣事,莉亚(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman饰)作为战犯的女儿被美国联邦查询拜访局相中,行使她对父亲罪过的负疚和其父在纳粹阵营内的关系收集,深进查询拜访纳粹领袖契巴斯(克劳德·雷恩斯Claude Rains饰),获取情报将其科罪。联邦查询拜访员迪奥(加里·格兰特Cary Grant饰)在与莉亚合作的进程傍边,深深爱上这个诱人的姑娘。然而…