搜索 Örnek

  • 为婚礼做预备,库布拉(Kübra)被目生人迷住了。为了治愈库布拉,神经病医生埃布(Ebru)开端行医。埃布鲁(Ebru)也是库布拉(Kübra)的老同伙。埃布鲁(Ebru)将与驱魔人一起抢救库布拉(Kübra)。当事情似乎停整理顺利时,一切都开端变得很是糟糕。
  • yle=color: rgb(48, 48, 48); f> Rising rock star, TJ Cray, gets the shot of a lifetime, an audition with a A & R man. On the way into the city, a carload of drunks smash into his car, severing his hands. He drops out of the business and…