搜索 扎克·默凯

  • 1967年,在非洲的扎伊尔莫他巴河谷,美国的雇佣军兵营中被一种突如其来的疾病残虐,死亡人数不竭爬升。军医抽取传染血样分开后,整个兵营被炸弹摧毁,附近树林中的白脸猴发出阵阵惊叫声……  直到90年代,一个美国年轻人在非洲扎伊尔捕捉到一只小白脸猴,并带回国出售。因为不合买重要求,年轻人将山公放生,今后一种新型疾病在旧金山的喷鼻柏…
  • 丹泽尔·华盛整理(Denzel Washington)在片中扮演一位工致、和顺、仁慈、勇敢的南非黑大众权解放运动俊——斯蒂芬·毕柯(Steven Biko),于1977年在狱中遭保安差人殛毙,凯文·克莱(Kevin Kline)演他的白人记者同伙唐纳德·伍兹(Donald Woods),他冒着性命危险,带着全家人设法逃离故国南非,好将毕柯这位自由斗士的业绩昭告世人。丹泽尔·…
  • Produced over the course of ten years, Roar is an audacious cinematic experiment: a thriller showcasing the majesty and ferocity of African lions, filmed on location amidst dozens of actual untrained big cats using regular actors instead of stuntmen. Writer/director Noel Marshall stars as Hank, a doctor and outspoken n…
  • Dennis Allan is an scientist who visits Haiti on the strength of a rumour of a drug which renders the recipient totally paralyzed but conscious. The drug"s effects often fool doctors, who declare the victims dead. Could this be the origin of the "zombie" legend? Alan embarks on a surprising and often sur…
  • Produced over the course of ten years, Roar is an audacious cinematic experiment: a thriller showcasing the majesty and ferocity of African lions, filmed on location amidst dozens of actual untrained big cats using regular actors instead of stuntmen. Writer/director Noel Marshall stars as Hank, a doctor and outspoken n…