搜索 芭芭拉·雷吉

  • 比利(杰米•贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰)的家人是英国的一个底层矿工。他们加进罢工,挣扎在麻烦的生存中,并以为比利应当学些汉子的拳术。比利原本每周都往一回拳击班,有时的机遇却让他走上了不一样的路途。  因为一个小不测,比利发了然潜熟悉中对芭蕾的酷好,而抉剔世故的芭蕾教员威尔金森(朱丽•沃特斯 Julie Walters 饰)偶尔中发了然比利…
  • 理查德是一位飞翔员,退伍后,他在一家酒吧打工,熟悉了同事芭芭拉(安娜·玛西 Anna Massey 饰)并与之相爱。性情卤莽的理查德同老板产生吵嘴后被解雇,身无分文的的只得投奔前妻布伦达(Barbara Leigh-Hunt 饰)。布伦达经营着一家婚配介绍所,她友善的欢迎了理查德并偷偷的在他口袋里塞了一些钱。没想到几天后,布伦达在介绍所中被她与理查元…
  • Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to…
  • Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to d…
  • 《傲慢与私见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品曾屡次被改编的影戏,本片为英国BBC公司1995年出品。  18世纪英国乡下班纳特家有五个女儿,班纳特太太成天烦躁不已,最大的心愿就是将女儿们一个个嫁进来。一日年轻巨室子宾利师长搬进城内的动静传来,令班纳特太太兴奋不已,停整理大女儿简能获取宾利师长喜爱。舞会上宾利果真看上了最标致的大…
  • 美剧剧情
    《阴郁》由Corinne Kingsbury执笔,报告一个布满弱点﹑无礼的盲女是她那贩毒同伙被杀时的唯一「目击者」,而警方不理会她的证供后,她决定与导盲犬Pretzel往试图找出真凶。时代女主仍然得对付本人的感情生存,以及那份由珍爱欲过盛怙恃提供的导盲犬黉舍事情。