搜索 鲁思·戈登

  • 凯(约翰·卡萨维兹JohnCassavetes饰)有着一个外表亏弱懦弱的妃耦罗斯玛丽(米亚·法罗MiaFarrow饰),自从他们搬到新公寓后,凯就和邻人一对老佳耦相谈甚欢。而罗斯玛丽却并不出格喜好这对邻人,令她感应不适的,还有接下来的持续串怪事。\r罗斯玛丽看到了自杀的女人,在日渐诡异的生存空气下,她还做着毛骨悚然的梦。梦中,有一个长毛怪物加…
  • Rosemary's Baby is the modern-day adaptation of the 1967 best-selling suspense novel by Ira Levin. The story centers on a young married couple (Saldana and Adams) who move into a Paris apartment that has a haunted past. After getting pregnant, the wife becomes increasingly suspicious that both her husband and their nei…
  • 20岁的上流社会男孩哈洛(Bud Cort 巴德?库特 饰)对死亡异常迷恋,喜欢伪装自杀吓唬母亲,热衷参加葬礼,甚至购买了一辆灵车。母亲习以为常,却也不堪忍受,因此催促哈洛早日成家,成熟起来。在他人的葬礼上,哈洛认识了79岁的穆德(Ruth Gordon 露丝?高登 饰),一个与他有着相同爱好的老妇人,从此走入慕德奇妙多彩的世界。 开朗…