搜索 AaronGraham

  • 几千年来,只有宗教为死亡后产生的事情提供了答案。科学行将改变这一点。在物理学家、和ThomasEdison的最初测验测验的援助下,BraydenTaylor开端探索与下世的接洽。因为他爱超出维度,他必需违抗量子物理定律。他必需藐视均衡的天然要求。他必需反抗…上帝模型。
  • For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind medium, and Thomas Edison"s final experiment, Brayden Taylor embarks on a quest to contact the afterlife. For his love to transcend dimensions, he must def…