搜索 Agathe

  • The former star of a short-lived television sitcom, Fabien, drinks too much to remember everything he does and not much surprises him anymore. When his path crosses Yoni’s, he is not surprised to discover, in the wake of this young, tearful, military man, the head of yet another young man, beautiful like a dream, a mem…
  • 典雅舒适的小剧院里,一出差强人意的舞台剧正在表演,忽然有名观众挺身站起,打中断了表演的举行。他自称名叫亚尼克,是一位停车场治理员,下班后船车劳整理赶来看戏,表演内收留却让他掉看透顶。世人将他驱离剧院,过没多久他却又忽然出现,取出手枪跳上舞台……今晚,亚尼克才是真实的主角!
  • 朱莉在巴黎一家奢华酒店打工,事情很是辛劳,还要全力赐顾帮衬在乡下的两个孩子。后来,她获取了一个期待已久的事人情试机遇,但一场全国性的罢工爆发了,致使公共交通体系堕进瘫痪。一向以来,朱莉全力在生存中维系着一种均衡,而这类懦弱的均衡被突发事务所打破。为了心满意足,她冒着随时城市碰钉子甚至掉一切的风险,开端了一场与时候的猖…
  • Elise, a very promising classical dancer, is injured during a performance at 26 years old. Although she's told she will no longer be able to dance, she will try to find a new direction in contemporary dance.
  • Together with her father, a 17-year-old girl takes care of her mentally and physically severely disabled sister. This is becoming increasingly exhausting, as she has to sacrifice her own life and dreams. Emotions get out of control and love may easily turn into hate. How to live such a life? Is it even possible to find…
  • 一个刚刚从精神病院放出的年轻人,很容易被当作是杀人狂。这个悲剧几乎让人无法痛恨影片结尾误杀了彼得的探长,这是一个误会的死环。没有哪个角色要背负观众的诅咒和痛恨(也许应该是彼得的母亲),是这个社会的惯常势力观念,让所有人都觉得,疯狂、精神病态就应该是杀人暴力的嫌疑犯。没有人辩解,精神非常态的不知道辩解,偶尔或许有人无力地…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>An artificial intelligence escapes her spaceship to turn into a female ghost and challenges two blade runners to an galactic chase.
  • Marie, 19, is attracted by easy money. Without really realizing it, she becomes involved in prostitution. She decides not to tell her friend, Vincent, a young, nonchalant, 21-year-old skater who owes everyone money and just can’t seem to grow up. The maelstrom of life seizes Marie and Vincent, caught up in a soci…