搜索 Calliari

  • Meet Camilla, a teenager like many others and like many others somehow special. She lives in a quiet city in Northern Italy, she's a good student, she has a conflicting relationship with her sister Francesca and a dream that her mother doesn't understand, an Eastern woman, pragmatic and hard working, unlike her father,…
  • 根據真實故事改編,誰都想發明一個APP來賺大錢,18歲的青年馬提歐阿基利做到了。生活不順遂之際,他發明了一個提供新穎求職方式的社群網路,一開始沒人當一回事,他的發明在一夜之間爆紅,忽然間有大筆財富進帳,也多了成千上萬名用戶。然而成功總是需要付出代價,家庭、友情、愛情都岌岌可危的時候,馬提歐該如何抉擇?