搜索 Hariharan

  • 进程励志并不代表成果就是成功夸姣的,然而被人传颂的励志故事却只限于有成功作为前提前提的故事.人们总是如许,他们知道他们如果成功的故事,如许才能加以勉励本人.但没有成功的励志故事未必见得就比那些成功的故事减色,惋惜的是能体会这其中出色的人也就只有故事的主角……
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Nathicharami is about Gowri whose life is perplexed between her physical desires and emotional beliefs. The film narrates the struggles of the protagonist in a society that believes physical desires can only be followed by a nuptial. She is stuck in her ordinary life with people from her d…
  • 印度,强奸之国。三个女性,因为各种原因被迫进入妓院,为了自由,她们誓死决战……