搜索 Kwang

  • 该片“将把咱们带回大陆所面临的新危急”,聚焦白狼杰洛特的教员维瑟米尔(《不合者》的西奥·詹姆斯配音)年轻时,刚踏上猎魔人的旅程,他脱节了麻烦的生存,以猎杀怪物为生,但一种希罕目生的怪物开端占领一个政局紧张的王国,维瑟米尔也被迫踏上一趟让人战栗的旅程,必需直面他曩昔的心魔。
  • A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller Members of the Funeral. Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's…
  • 影戏放映员谦(Ter-Chantavit Dhanasevi 饰)因沉迷大麻而堕进经济危急,毒瘾产生发火之际甚至不吝典当女友诵(Punch-Vorakarn Rojjanavatchra 饰)的手表,为此诵愤然分开。决心悔改改过的谦此时仍在泥潭傍边,为了还上欠款,他被黑道人物强逼盗录还未上映的新片,以谋取不义之财。  某晚,谦和密友育在影院盗录一部行将上映的可骇片《厉鬼》…
  • 《犯法都会》建造公司暗示该片的续集将于2019年中旬开机,仍由前集导演姜允成执导,马东锡主演。今朝续集正在举行剧本创作,出格值得属意的是,制片方暗示续集将拍成能让更多人观看的15禁警匪动作片,同时还夸大停整理将马东锡扮演的差人脚色打形成韩国的代表差人形象。
  • In a small motel in remote area, two hoodlums and a girl have a sex and they broadcast live the whole thing on mobile. They are interfered by an unknown killer and their lives are in danger, but they don’t stop broadcasting because of the increasing viewers. Now, the brutal killing is watched by a million.
  • A family of aswang attempt to transition into a living a more normal, less monstrous life.
  • 据外媒报道,Netflix还将建造一个接洽关系动画影戏《巫师:狼之噩梦(TheWitcher:NightmareoftheWolf)》。《巫师:狼之噩梦》是一个影戏项目,编剧是BeauDeMayo。DeMayo是《巫师》电视剧第三集“BetrayerMoon”的编剧,同时也将是《巫师》第二季8集中其中一集的编剧。
  • 《英雄广东十虎》汇集精彩武打元素于一身,再加入崭新的电脑效果,保证一新观众耳日。 清代末年,朝政腐败,中国惨被列强瓜分,内忧外患,民不聊生。生于渔村的黄澄可(欧锦棠饰),为替身世可怜的冬至(陈炜饰)寻访亲人,并开拓视野,遂离开家乡来到省城,因缘结识了九位忠肝义胆、重情重义的江湖好汉。为了保家卫国,不惜抛头颅,洒热血,抛…