搜索 Sabourin

  • 含羞的小男孩亨利,從小在孤兒院長大。修女發現他很會修理電泡,於是告訴他『上帝賜予你的天賦,就是為眾生帶來光亮』。十九年來,亨利都在孤兒院負責修繕的事情,直到有一天,孤兒院經營不善,亨利被迫離開孤兒院,他遵守上帝的各種『指引』,來到一家電器行,找到一份修理燈泡的事情。  亨利被派到一間豪宅修理燈泡,卻發現豪宅的主人曾是鼎…
  • Sometimes, we're just waiting for a miracle. A nurse who is a Jehovah's Witness, grows fond of the miracle survivor of a plane crash. Two sexagenarians, a bartender and a parking lot attendant want to explore their forbidden passions. A conservative, well-off couple drown their disappointments in booze and gambling. An…