搜索 Sharan

  • Jagteshwar(Tarsem Jassar 饰)是一位图书治理员,患有强迫性人格障碍(OCPD),不管是在事情照旧在家中,他周围的人都已经接收了这一点。当大天然中意气风发的女孩 Amberdeep(Wamiqa Gabbi 饰)和 Jagteshwar 同住一个屋檐时,熟悉外形产生抵牾,事情产生了改变。
  • A lawyer battles corruption both inside and outside the courtroom.  一位律师在法庭内外与掉利作奋斗。
  • 本片报告空军上尉甘见·萨塞纳初创历史的从军之途,看她若何从一位怀抱大志勃勃的飞翔员,一起到卡吉尔战争时代,成为印度首位女性战机飞翔员。
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Nathicharami is about Gowri whose life is perplexed between her physical desires and emotional beliefs. The film narrates the struggles of the protagonist in a society that believes physical desires can only be followed by a nuptial. She is stuck in her ordinary life with people from her d…