搜索 Shearer

  • 美国青年艾许(布鲁斯?坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)在和女友琳达(布丽切特?方达 Bridget Fonda 饰)度假时,有时发明一本《死亡之书》。书中记载各类神秘的丧葬风俗以及招魂仪式,更为诡异可骇的是,这本不应当存在于人世的书具有很是壮大和邪恶的魔力。为与之奋斗,艾许掉了女友和本人的右手,但最初照旧体力不支,被《死亡之书》带到600…
  • 佩吉(莫伊拉·希勒MoiraShearer饰)是一位很有先天的芭蕾舞演员,她对芭蕾舞的酷好让她感觉她生来便是为了舞蹈。她加进了芭蕾舞剧《红菱艳》的表演,在剧中,她扮演阿谁穿上红鞋一向舞蹈到死的舞女,她的表演获取了业界的一致好评,她的演艺事业就此平步青云。今后,她结识了作曲家朱利安(马留斯·戈尔林MariusGoring饰)并且敏捷坠进了爱河。…
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.
  • Richard Steele welcomes the drug trade into his plethora of felony activity. As advocates of community reform urge him to pursue righteous endeavors.
  • Jerry Harford以为妻子背着本人外遇,他最好的同伙激励他以眼还眼,但却致使不堪的可骇后果。Jerry开端堕进一个没有终点的超天然噩梦,好似暗黑版的《致命的吸引力》(Fatal Attraction)。
  • 房屋收拾整整理达人可莉·席尔和乔安娜·泰普林来到明星家中,收拾整整理一个个杂乱的房间,改变一个个无序的生存。
  • 本片主要讲述了玛丽·安托瓦内特与路易十六订婚、结婚直至被送上断头台的人生经历。生于奥地利皇室的玛丽·安托瓦内特,被许配给了当时的法国皇太子路易十六。此后出于政治考虑,她一直在国王路易十五,以及诡计多端的奥尔良公爵之间进行周旋。因为与路易十六感情冷淡,倍感寂寞的玛丽于是转而热衷于开派对等种种奢华活动,一次偶然的机会,玛丽…
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.