搜索 Termo

  • 故事始于纽约唐人街的龙年庆祝会,鞭炮声此起彼落,连串黑帮仇杀事务亦同时揭开序幕。新上任的华人黑帮头子祖儿,野心勃勃,目睹毒品市场盈利可观,因此决定根除所有对他有威逼的人,并向意大利黑帮开战,血洗纽约街,一心要成为唯一的大赢家。干探伟特联同年轻女记者,誓要将黑帮连根拔起,保持社会治安。
  • In the shady campgrounds of Yosemite valley, climbers carved out a counterculture lifestyle of dumpster-diving and wild parties that clashed with the conservative values of the National Park Service. And up on the walls, generation after generation has pushed the limits of climbing, vying amongst each other for suprema…