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  • The delivery of the gifts turns into a disaster and Santa Claus is in trouble. Will her grandchildren, Jules and Noor, manage to team up to save the day?
  • 当一位穆斯林在比利时弃世时,他的亲戚堕进两难地步:“咱们是把他埋葬在这里,照旧把他带回降生地?”伊斯玛尔找到了一个解决法子:“从摩洛哥带土壤来埋葬死者怎么样?咱们可以做土壤生意!”不知不觉中,一群人打开了潘多拉的“棺材”。
  • Sylvia (Thekla Reuten) and Eddie (Jeroen van Koningsbrugge) live a good life in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid. They have two children. The richness comes from a thriving drug trade, led by Eddie. A brutal police raid shakes things up and then Sylvia decides to flee the place. But Eddie would not allow that, because she knows too …